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Location: Liverpoool, NY, United States

My interests have changed as time passes. Used to be very active physically. Now, not so much. Still enjoy reading about hiking and canoeing. Was an activist locally, now an observer. It is a pain to get older but it's better than the alternative

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This is the fourth time I am doing this page. Previously I'd try to edit it and it would disappear. That's OK, I'm just sounding off. It doen't impact the course of events.
My taxes are done and mailed in. Now I'm happily anticipating the refunds. I'm required to have a certain amount withheld each month despite the demonstrated fact that I don't owe that much in taxes. As a contribution to the profligate present administration I accept the fact I'm forced to lend them the money temporarily. That puts me in the same category as the Republic of China. We both finance the debt that knows no limit.
At times like these it would be helpful to have the opportunity, as the British have, to cast a "no confidence vote" on the performance of Bush and his cronies and form a new (better) government.
Hardly a day goes by that some new foul-up isn't uncovered. The rare expertise this administration exhibits is the way it spins the essential questions thus avoiding, in their estimation, the need to reevaluate their policies.
The canned answer to the WMD reason for the Iraq war is- "everybody believed they had them". That avoids the fact that the decision to invade Iraq was made long before 9/11. The 9/11 catastrophe gave them perfect cover, if not legitimacy, to scare the shell shocked Congress into granting war time powers to the President. Now those "powers" are extrapolated into blank check privilege to circumvent any law that is inconvenient to their purposes.
Abuse of surrveilance by the NSA has not publicly been demonstrated so far but the fact that abuse has been a fact in the past is reason enough to challenge the lack of limits on the Presidency. Ultimately it may have to be determined by the Supreme Court. Now with the politics of the court altered to the right, that presents another iffy proposition.
On C-SPAN a Republican legislator claimed all sorts of "progress" in Iraq's infrastructure. This in spite of the fact that Rumsfeld gave the excuse for the failure of the infrastrucure on the fact that the troops were not trained to set up governments nor capable of monitoring all the key aspects of electricity generation , water availability, nor sewer lines. Some contradiction there.
To listen to the legislator one got the impression that Bagdad was a mecca of routine commerce and


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