What is Bush going to say tomorrow?. "Our strong economy is having a hiccup, and will respond to my stimulous package". The remedy for the hiccups is to blow into a paper bag.. We can see that the Decider knows just the trick to set things right. He can deliver the "blow" but the bag seems to have hole in it. It is sad that the Promiser has so far been promising the moon but delivering only moldy green cheese.
From the blogs I read the consensus is that the cooperative (synchophantic) media and the corporate lobbyists have many times the influence the average citizen has. Real issues such as foreign policy changes that could ameliorate international turmoil are never asked by the press or brought up by the candidates. Those critical matters are what have to be addressed. The health care fiasco issue is smothered by the bogeyman of "socialized medicine". The most efficient way to eliminate the overburden of administrative costs (huge salaries and bonuses for CEOs of health care plans) is to develop a single payer system. (Shudder!!!) But don't we already have at least part of one? It's called Medicare and Medicaid. Just move the age requirement down from 65 to 0 and you have it. Then reign in the pharmaceutical scam by changing the present law to make drugs competitive. The argument about high costs of research are countered by pointing out that advertising budgets are a multiple of research expenditures. The drug ads are atrocious anyway. Their aim is to induce fear much more than inform. Their curtailment would go far to reduce many symptoms that they induce. These matters seem too sensitive to get into the discussion.
That is exactly why they should be dicussed.
The campaigns are getting testier and nastier. Sure signs that panic is setting in.
The money is on Clinton vs. McCain. If McCain chooses Lieberman as a running mate and Hillary chooses Obama I think I'd have to go with the latter. Call it a double revolution, a female and a black. That is some change.
What is Bush going to say tomorrow?. "Our strong economy is having a hiccup, and will respond to my stimulous package". The remedy for the hiccups is to blow into a paper bag.. We can see that the Decider knows just the trick to set things right. He can deliver the "blow" but the bag seems to have hole in it. It is sad that the Promiser has so far been promising the moon but delivering only moldy green cheese.
From the blogs I read the consensus is that the cooperative (synchophantic) media and the corporate lobbyists have many times the influence the average citizen has. Real issues such as foreign policy changes that could ameliorate international turmoil are never asked by the press or brought up by the candidates. Those critical matters are what have to be addressed. The health care fiasco issue is smothered by the bogeyman of "socialized medicine". The most efficient way to eliminate the overburden of administrative costs (huge salaries and bonuses for CEOs of health care plans) is to develop a single payer system. (Shudder!!!) But don't we already have at least part of one? It's called Medicare and Medicaid. Just move the age requirement down from 65 to 0 and you have it. Then reign in the pharmaceutical scam by changing the present law to make drugs competitive. The argument about high costs of research are countered by pointing out that advertising budgets are a multiple of research expenditures. The drug ads are atrocious anyway. Their aim is to induce fear much more than inform. Their curtailment would go far to reduce many symptoms that they induce. These matters seem too sensitive to get into the discussion.
That is exactly why they should be dicussed.
The campaigns are getting testier and nastier. Sure signs that panic is setting in.
The money is on Clinton vs. McCain. If McCain chooses Lieberman as a running mate and Hillary chooses Obama I think I'd have to go with the latter. Call it a double revolution, a female and a black. That is some change.