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Location: Liverpoool, NY, United States

My interests have changed as time passes. Used to be very active physically. Now, not so much. Still enjoy reading about hiking and canoeing. Was an activist locally, now an observer. It is a pain to get older but it's better than the alternative

Friday, December 22, 2006

Our trip to St. Lou, driving, made me change my mind about flying. Now with Denver causing airline delays across the country I'm not sure how it is best to go. Now we will be here in Syr. till after Christmas. It's good to be still for a while. Yeterday we participated in Cindy' 5th grade class Chrismas party and it was great fun to see all those happy, eager, smiling faces. We were amazed to see the numbe of projects the kids engaged in. They are very creative and joined in enthusiastically.

In checking out a blog in the Ageless Project, another '25er called CmdrBob, I was impressed with one of his entries discussing the NSA wiretapping program. He made a good case for the necessity to make diligent efforts to glean information about those intent on harm to our country. He also acknowledged the risks of having the government "spy" on citizens and the improper use of some types of information. He obviously doesn't feel Bush is the greatest leader but agrees with the need for surrveilance.

He also was impressed with Newt Gingrich's assesment of the current situation visa vie the Islamic Jihad. Gingrich calls it a Third World War and says the sooner we gear up for it the better off we will be. I'm tending to think in those terms also. We let Hitler run loose way too long before confronting him. The same may be true if indeed the intent of the Islamists is to restore the Islamic domination of the world. Hard as that scenario is to conceive of it has been shown that determined individuals with fanatic zeal can tie strong nations up in knots.

One ray of hope that I see on the horizon is the emergence of non-jihadist Islamists who are speaking out against the current terror campaign and seeking moderation.
Also, in Iran, the source of much opposition to the West, the student population is once again showing a rebellous attitude against the current outrageous policies of the regime. They object to the poor economic state of affairs as well as concern for the felt increasing isolation of Iran due to its nuclear ambitions. They feel Iran has the right to pursue a nuclear capability but question weather or not it is worth the cost internationally.

The current impasse in Iraq for the elected government to unify the various sects and the question of U.S. effectiveness in attempting to quell the civil war there is vexing our nation. Bush' inepness at diplomacy and the difficulty of gaining militarily is causing greater concern for the final outcome. We don't want another humiliating defeat, as in Viet Nam, but too we agonize over the needless loss of life in such an ill conceived and mismanaged endeavor. Heaven help us---please!!!!