Following the daily news concerning Iraq and seeing the polemics that characterize the comments I'm struck with how complex, and difficult to understand, the whole situation is.
There are new books coming out on a daily basis purporting to tell the REAL story.
The President is currently attacking the media for not telling about the good things that are happening over there. In effect he is saying that the opening of hospitals, schools, and businesses should counter the grim images of bombings and sectarian killings, that many consider civil war.
While the military is preparing for withdrawals in the near future Bush intimates that the next president, or presidents, will probably have to deal with the problem. His apparent strategy for victory is more of the same. His once perceived bold leadership is now looked upon as stubborn stupidity, denial, and incompetance.
Panels of "experts" compare Iraq with Vietnam. The parallels are striking. A flawed premise, a bogus claim of national danger, and a stampeded Congress. Former White House staff chief, Alexander Haig and former White House speech writer, Ted Sorensen related how former Whiz Kid, MacNamara was deluded for many years during and after Vietnam before realizing what a horrible mistake it had been. His book is a mea culpa of the sad saga. General Abrams stated that ten years in Vietnam didn't teach us anything. We repeated the first year's mistakes ten times.
Finally the legislators have put together a blue ribbon committee to review the situation and assess means and methods of exticating ourselves from the current mess. The likelihood of there being any useful policies forthcoming is slim indeed. Yes, that is cynicism. Having been around eighty years one can be excused for that. Sen. Feingold has introduced a motion to censure the President. Another suggestion, likening it to recent business deals, suggests we buy out Bush's contract. If we had a Parlimentary government it is a cinch there would be a "no confidence" vote and we'd get a new set of leaders. The problem there is--where would they come from? Cynicism again!
Hey, the good news is that this winter has been mild enough to allows those of us who don't mind the cold to play golf fairly frequently. Like today was absolutely beautiful. Three birdies and one bogey. Didn't win though. Maybe next time.
There are new books coming out on a daily basis purporting to tell the REAL story.
The President is currently attacking the media for not telling about the good things that are happening over there. In effect he is saying that the opening of hospitals, schools, and businesses should counter the grim images of bombings and sectarian killings, that many consider civil war.
While the military is preparing for withdrawals in the near future Bush intimates that the next president, or presidents, will probably have to deal with the problem. His apparent strategy for victory is more of the same. His once perceived bold leadership is now looked upon as stubborn stupidity, denial, and incompetance.
Panels of "experts" compare Iraq with Vietnam. The parallels are striking. A flawed premise, a bogus claim of national danger, and a stampeded Congress. Former White House staff chief, Alexander Haig and former White House speech writer, Ted Sorensen related how former Whiz Kid, MacNamara was deluded for many years during and after Vietnam before realizing what a horrible mistake it had been. His book is a mea culpa of the sad saga. General Abrams stated that ten years in Vietnam didn't teach us anything. We repeated the first year's mistakes ten times.
Finally the legislators have put together a blue ribbon committee to review the situation and assess means and methods of exticating ourselves from the current mess. The likelihood of there being any useful policies forthcoming is slim indeed. Yes, that is cynicism. Having been around eighty years one can be excused for that. Sen. Feingold has introduced a motion to censure the President. Another suggestion, likening it to recent business deals, suggests we buy out Bush's contract. If we had a Parlimentary government it is a cinch there would be a "no confidence" vote and we'd get a new set of leaders. The problem there is--where would they come from? Cynicism again!
Hey, the good news is that this winter has been mild enough to allows those of us who don't mind the cold to play golf fairly frequently. Like today was absolutely beautiful. Three birdies and one bogey. Didn't win though. Maybe next time.